About usThank you for shopping in inkVenus.co.nz! inkVenus Limited is the New Zealand online retailer of compatible ink cartridge & laser toner for most major brands on internet. Our ambition is to offer our customers low and competitive prices, exclusive offers and rapidly delivery. We guarantee our product quality. Our product is made by our ISO9001 registered factory, based in China. We guarantee customers purchase and pay securely. www.inkVenus.co.nz uses an internationally recognized encryption protocol to encrypt all personal data that you type into our website before it travels across the Internet. Once we receive your data, it is stored on a secure server for the life of the order. All data is stored behind security firewalls, so that your personal details are not accessible from the internet. We will never give your personal details to any third party. inkVenus is GST registered in New Zealand. GST No.: 89 - 196 - 736 Our address is: 43 Ascot Avenue, Remuera,Auckland 1050