6 X 81NBK/C/M/Y/LC/6LM (81N/82N)

6 X 81NBK/C/M/Y/LC/6LM (81N/82N)

6 brand new (Full set) Epson T0821/2/3/4/5/6 compatible inks of Guaranteed SUPERB QUALITY with absolutely THE CHEAPEST prices across the WHOLE NZ (all GST included!) Orders of any size charges you ONLY $3.99 postage with Astonishing SPEEDY delivery by CourierPost. What you hesitate for?!!

This set includes Any 6 (up to your choices) of the following InkVenus or INK-TANK inks:

E-811N (T0811N) Bk (18.2mL)
E-812N (T0812N) C  (18.2mL)
E-813N (T0813N) M  (18.2mL)
E-814N (T0814N) Y  (18.2mL)
E-815N (T0815N) LC (18.2mL)
E-816N (T0816N) LM (18.2mL)

Thus the exact 6 colors are Up To Your Choices! Just suggest us the colors you want!

Fits Perfectly For The Following Epson Printers:

Epson Artisan 725;730:835;837;

Epson Stylus Photo 1410GR270GR290GR295GR390GRX590GRX610GRX615GRX690GT50GT59GTX650GTX700WGTX710WGTX800FWGTX810FWB
We serve virtually every type of catridge for the existing printer types across all brands! And we value your great support!
CourierPost Speedy Delivery

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